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Bought COIN $300 Calls
1/21/2022 Exp, Opening
1 Comment
Traded COIN $320 Calls
12/17/2021 Exp, Closing
How to NOT trade $COIN options
Kicking myself: sold my $COIN calls at a loss and I'd planned to roll them into new calls last week but didn't have time.

Probably a lesson to be learned here because I feel like $COIN is very undervalued, I wish I'd stuck to my guns.

With the NFT Announcement, I feel even higher conviction: They've already had ~1.5M waitlist signups! (Opensea has ~10% of that, and look at their volume!).

I also think earnings could be a big beat after another crypto-fueled quarter. (TBH, I don't really get all the "fee/multiple compression", given how large potential market is)

BTIG increased it's price target to $500:

A famous oil investor/business man once said: "Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again"

Hope he was right!
X (formerly Twitter)
Kate Rooney (@Kr00ney) on X
BTIG w/ a bullish note on Coinbase #NFT announcement Reiterates $500 PT after NFT marketplace waitlist attracts more than 1.35M signups, shows "promise of new, higher margin revenue stream as part of accelerating diversification effort" $COIN

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