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People ask me all the time why do I focus so much on retail names specifically retail names that women love to shop at. People tell me your a guy go own nike or something but my answer to them its simple. Women control the spending in the household. Simple as that. Earnings for women are also soaring as shown in the chart below.

​Now I know target is another name that women love to shop at but I feel like I get exposure to target shoppers with Ulta and Starbucks partnership with target so that’s kinda why I was looking for another name and it brought me to Williams Sonoma.

I think Starbucks and Ulta are definitely companies that take advantage of this tailwind but I also started looking into WSM. I’ve started to like the ceo a lot there. Ulta and Williams Sonoma both are excellent businesses with little to debt and a high return of ROIC. They also both do huge buybacks and both trading relatively cheap especially WSM currently.
Again retail is sometimes not the best area to be in but the consumer is still strong and I think these 3 brands have a strong customer base. Want to continue doing my research in Williams Sonoma for sure

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