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David McDonough
$303.9M follower assets
Founded Commonstock to improve the world's financial health
1,051 following5,002 followers
Huge news! Commonstock is joining Yahoo Finance to bring this community and platform to the largest possible stage!
We are SO incredibly excited to join Yahoo Finance to dramatically accelerate our progress towards building a world-class community and tool for you all!

Building on top of YF’s platform - where they count users in the hundreds of millions - is an enormous opportunity to help you accomplish your trading and investing goals at a 10x-100x larger scale. This is a huge leap towards our dream of creating a true Bloomberg Terminal experience for retail investors. There's so much that I can't wait to build, some examples include:

  • Orders of magnitude larger audience and reach for creators and community members
  • World-class financial tools, charts and data
  • The most valuable dataset ever assembled, from $10B of linked portfolios and retail data to over $20+ TRILLION!
  • Incredibly powerful and valuable creator tools and resources
  • More credibility and prestige with a premium/professional user base spanning the globe, from Wall Street to Main Street.

As always, we only succeed if you succeed… please don’t hesitate to reach out with any/all questions, concerns, feedback and - most importantly - ideas and features that we can build for you!

We wouldn’t be here today without your contributions and we’re so excited to be able to reward you for your belief and investment in Commonstock over the past few years. Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll reach out directly with next steps and how it might impact Commonstock users. We can’t wait to continue partnering with you as we build everything into Yahoo Finance.

I’ll write a much longer post when the dust settles with everything I’ve learned in the 7 year (!) startup journey. I know I've been a bit quiet recently and I never see it talked about but hoo boy, the M&A process is fascinating and deserves it's own series of posts!

To the Commonstock team… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to adequately thank you for all of your incredible hard work and dedication to this company. I am eternally grateful for your support and belief in me in order to make this crazy idea a reality. I can’t wait to continue running through walls with you in this next chapter as we keep chasing our mission: to Improve the world’s wealth & financial health by making high quality market information more engaging + more actionable + more valuable.

Thank you everyone so much for being such a critical part of the commonstock community, our company’s journey so far, and easily the most meaningful and rewarding experience of my life. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to call you all teammates, community members and friends.

Can't wait to build something EVEN MORE massive together!

post media
Exclusive: Yahoo acquires social investing platform CommonStock
The deal brings stronger community insights to Yahoo Finance's retail investors.

What should I do with $NVDA
Should I sell $nvda?

32 VotesPoll ended on: 7/13/2023

Smart answer is sell but part of me knows how important they are. Im worried about the guidance they announced last quarter if that changes for the worse. Idk it’s a tough decision for sure. It’s run up massively. Profits are always good but to sell the whole thing idk
When BTFD goes right:
$NVDA calls up 80% in 2 weeks... do I sell/roll or let it ride? (Sept exp)
post media

I think I'd probably sell and be happy with my 80% return. September is still a long way off. How does this outcome compare to the return profile you had in mind?
Bought $SCHW: fear seems overblown (reminds me of fear in 2009 GFC)
My first/best trade ever was buying $C in 2009 in the middle of the GFC at close to $1 per share.

I was super naive back then then but felt like it was a strong bank on fundamentals and I knew the gov't would never let it fail. Today is very much NOT the GFC! but I'm seeing market behavior that feels similar and figured I'd make a similar trade, for old time's sake.

Specifically, bank issues create a very scary narrative that tends to drive an overblown selloff. $SCHW has pretty strong numbers and 80% insured deposits so I don't think the doomsday scenario is possible. When the dust settles - if it does - there might be a nice 10-20% gain to be had. It's a small/risky call that the U.S. will protect American confidence in banking at almost all costs. (that latter part doesn't seem like a risky bet).

Related: I know our system has plenty of flaws, but when we bring to bear the full weight of the United States Government to eliminate a threat or solve a critical problem, holy hell is it impressive to witness. Interesting behind the scenes look here:

(Also fascinating that gov't can be so inefficient in so many ways... and then have these small but critical pockets of unparalleled, ruthless hyper efficiency, like the military and financial protection)

Just picked up some myself, I smell a V recovery. Set a tight stop loss though.
Rumors of a big national security announcement today, quick straw poll:
Will the US ban TikTok?
34%Obvs yes, huge natsec threat
65%No way, ppl are too addicted

43 VotesPoll ended on: 10/25/2022

UPDATE: confirmed, $20B price tag.

IMO as a Figma power user (aka fanboi), I've long said it could be one of the most valuable software companies of all time.. Don't ruin it Adobe!
Adobe Near Deal for Online Design Startup Figma, Sources Say
Adobe Inc. is nearing a deal to acquire Figma, a startup that makes online design collaboration tools, people with knowledge of the matter said.

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