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Credit Card Options
Looking for references to beneficial credit cards that provide cash back, double points, gas points, food points, etc.

Just getting out of college so I am interested in getting something that will be useful for getting started on my own. I do not plan on traveling much over next couple years so a credit card with travel miles will not be as beneficial at this time.

What types of experiences have you all had with getting a credit card? What would you recommend to a close friend?

Should this be something that is hard to decide on? Maybe im thinking too much into it
Certifications/Licenses required for Financial Advising
Been hearing a lot about different routes to go with a Finance degree. I'm interested in certain certifications or licenses that might be helpful to achieve potential long-term goals.

I've heard from a friend that these could be potential good starting points.
  • Series 7
  • Series 63
  • Pass S.I.E exam

Is this for a specific job or would these be beneficial for any type of financial career?

Hello old friend.... should've remembered you a few weeks ago. $TGT

Atleast I'm doing something right... charts starting to get better. Thats progress
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Stick to the process.

I am in the process of learning how to correctly trade options that are 2-3 weeks out from expiration. Learning about TA has really benefitted me in knowing when to enter and exit trades. I can see the value in reading charts based off patterns, instead of relying on the noise that goes on in the market and on social media.

Investing isnt easy. It takes a lot of work and a lot of discipline.

One thing ive learned in my 2 years of investing is learning how to minimize mistakes and learning not to be greedy when profits are made.

Looking to learn and grow as a smart, long-term investor. Of course, swing trades and high risk/reward option trades based off TA aren't out the window.

Let's get it

We share a very similar way of trading/investing so if you have any questions, let me know.

I have a few more years of experience and educate on TA twice a week, so I am happy to answer any questions you need.

Good work, keep it up!
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