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engineer @ Commonstock.
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Last month I predicted $SPY would be over $395 by Aug 12th. Since we blasted way past that (today’s close at $428.86) I’m thinking we are flattish to down over the next month. So I predict we won’t see more than a 2.5% move up. I’m hoping I’m wrong 🤑
$SPY will be under $440.00/share on 2022-09-15?
Validated to: Yes
0% AgreedDisagreed 100%
14 Votes

Feeling Bullish
With inflation and rate hikes trending above expectations I'm thinking the worst (hopefully) is behind us.
$SPY will be over $395/share on 2022-08-13?
Validated to: Yes
0% AgreedDisagreed 100%
14 Votes

Inflation & Market Expectations
With today's inflation report above expectations, do we expect inflation to accelerate from here? And do we think the market has priced it in or not?
Has inflation peaked, and does the market go up or down from here?
45%Peak inflation. Up market.
25%Peak inflation. Down market.
5%Not peak. Up market.
25%Not peak. Down market.

20 VotesPoll ended on: 7/21/2022

While some commodities are down which is hunch is one more quarter of increased inflation + markets down. This will be followed by inflation going down + markets also going down.

Fun outlook! 🤗

*Not an expert on this by any stretch.
It’s been a rough ride this year so far for big tech. What do we think going forward?
Will big tech outperform the market over the next twelve months?
40%Of course it will 💎✋🤚
45%I’m not so sure 🤷🏻
15%Doubtful 🤨

20 VotesPoll ended on: 4/23/2022

Price drives sentiment! This would’ve been an easy lopsided yes for the last…12 years or so ha
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