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Just winging it!
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Please note: this is not a bullish memo, I'm just sharing an update on a name I've been following.

I wrote about Aimia in the past (here and here). It seems like they will be getting US$405M or CA$5.58/share from PLM, as projected. The current share price is $4.95.

I think the market disagrees with the management's past investment decisions here, and so do I...but this seems like an interesting situation.

Value After Hour
I decided not to spam the forum too much, but I keep writing everyday :)

My most recent post is just my notes on the last episode of the show in the title, in case anyone else is a fan. I thought it was interesting and educational.

With the way the market has been behaving lately, studying seems like the best use of my time...

Big Ideas
Anyone has a big idea or a big theme for 2022/2023?

Examples I already know of are: oil for 2022 (I'm on that train), short ARKK lol, fertilizer shortages, etc.

What you got in mind or what's on your radar?

Not feeling short term bullish with the rate hikes coming. Sell far OTM puts on the Nasdaq futures options.
Who's your favorite super investor?
Good morning everybody!

Curious to know, do you have a favorite super investor? If so who is it and why do you like them?

Mine is Mohnish Pabrai, and the reason is simply because he has a ton of talks on Youtube :p

My favorite is probably Lynch... he did it for a long time with hundreds of winners.
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