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Mark Flood
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Since the beginning of the year I've generated about $8,000 in cash on a mix of $TSLA, $GOOG, $U (total of about $100k in equity/cash).

I'm long on all of these companies so I'm quite happy own the stock itself.

I'm typically selling 10% OTM weeklies for $TSLA and $U and maybe ~5% for GOOG. I've gotten assigned in both directions a couple times.

FWIW I liquidated TSLA stock at end of 2021 and paid cap gains on it, so I'm not worried about tax consequences for assigned covered calls on TSLA.

My 880 Tsla CCs are on the line!
Will the market sell off before close today?
14%Show me

7 VotesPoll ended on: 7/30/2022

Will market sell of before close?
0%I'm late, but show me

0 VotesPoll ended on: 7/30/2022

Really curious to see what happens after $TSLA earnings tomorrow.

I can see a rip up with new product launches and factories opening.

I could also see a rip down if guidance comes down even a tad from 50% yoy or the Capex into factories reduces EPS too much.

Thinking of options as tools to hedge the underlying owned asset is a totally different mindset than thinking of them as stand alone investment vehicles.

Example for a Put

Old way of thinking: I think this stock is going down so I’ll buy a put to capitalize on that thought!

New way: I own 100 shares of this stock and I’d love the OPTION to sell these 100 shares at this very high strike in the future.

Anyone else have trouble buying an asset for more than they paid previously?

I have this issue in public equities and real estate.

These shares were assigned a week ago via a sold covered call.

I turned around and sold a put with 1030 strike.

Expired at 1033 so I will not be assigned this week. But will sell a 1000 put (maybe a little higher or lower strike depending on what happens in first few minutes of open).

I need to cover my cap gains tax burden for the sale :)

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