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Founder of / investor in $PLTR $TSLA $SOFI
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Linking to Commonstock
Is there a way to automatically link twitter posts to Commonstock?

Hey Amit, there is not currently a way to auto-send Tweets to the Commonstock feed.

There is a way to send Commonstock posts to Twitter though.
+ 1 comment
Okay - want to start posting on this platform. What are the best practices?

I know the user base isn’t huge, and it’s meant for stocks. Should you post authentic content? Is posting my breakfast smart? Probably cross posting tweets not about stocks wouldn’t make sense right?

Certain platforms build moats around highly targeted communities, how would you recommend actually creating content for this platform?

Welcome Amit! This platform mostly focuses on analysis of stocks and economic data as we are all working together to achieve growing our accounts and navigating the waters of the market. Most things you will see are stock related
Whats up commonstock, new here and excited to check it out! Thanks to conor for getting me on here 🙌

Welcome Amit 💪🏼 time to get a profile picture 🌶
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