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3 Reasons Small-Cap Stocks Are Heading a Lot Higher
The monster rotation is gaining steam.
This is very healthy action that’s long overdue.
Here are 3 reasons small-cap stocks are heading a lot higher.

Yesterday’s 3.65% selloff in the NASDAQ 100 was the worst since 2022. All major indices got clobbered, but mega-cap Tech in particular felt the brunt of the latest market-cap reshuffle.

While some may point to earnings or economic worries as the culprit, the downshift is really a function of supply and demand mechanics.

Large underperformance by small-caps and the average stock, caused positioning to reach extremes – where a handful of mega-cap equities attracted the lions-share of investor capital.

This over-allocation to a handful of market heavyweights, set the stage for a monster reversion trade for the ages…effectively one huge catchup trade was ignited.

While a lot of damage has occurred in the market thus far, and some tech names are starting to get interesting, I see small-caps as a top bet in the coming months and longer.

Today we’ll begin by assessing the current state of the market. Then we’ll dive into 2 evidence-rich studies that signal small-cap leadership has plenty of room to run.

Markets are moving fast. On a 3-month basis, small-caps are the best performing equity class.

As you can see below, the Russell 2000 has ripped 11.2%, easily beating the NASDAQ’s gain of 9.41% and the S&P 500’s lift of 7.87%.

Reason number 1 to keep a healthy allocation to small-caps comes down to their new leadership position:

Just a month ago, if you’d uttered an overweight allocation to small-caps, you’d have been greeted with flying tomatoes.

But as we learn time and time again with markets, money rarely leaves equities…it simply rotates.

Investors hop from one area to the other when they believe a better opportunity exists elsewhere.

Below shows how violent the pendulum swings. The relative performance of the Russell 2000 ETF ($IWM) and the NASDAQ 100 ETF ($QQQ) is eye-catching.

When the blue line surges higher, it indicates investors are selling mega-cap tech to fund long bets on small-caps:

This shifting landscape is partly a function of interest rates. Just 2 short months ago, we gave 6 big reasons to own small-cap stocks.

In that non-consensus piece, we showed how small-caps perform best when interest rates fall.

Looking back at an image from that post, you’ll note how the S&P Small Cap 600 has an inverse relationship with the 10Y Treasury yield.

When rates dip, small-caps rip:

Reason number 2 to bet big on small-caps, boils down to the fact that the Fed is nearing its first rate cut. The June CPI reports effectively clinched a September ease.

As of this morning, odds of a 25bps cut stand at 80% for the September meeting…odds of a 50bps cut have now climbed to 18.7%.

This is critical when you marry this information with the fact that the US economy is still humming along…avoiding a recession.

This is one of my favorite charts for today.

Since mid-1995, when the Fed first cuts rates and the economy isn’t in recession, and doesn’t fall into one a year later, small-caps absolutely soar!

A month after the first rate cut, the S&P Small Cap 600 gains 4.8%.

3-months later, small-caps see a 10.6% gain.

12-months post the first rate cut; small-caps surge 19.3%

Hopefully you’re beginning to see this rotation for what it truly is…a big fat opportunity!

But there’s one other signal that favors a big bet on small-caps. And it comes down to recent rare thrust signal.

Last Tuesday, July 16th, the Russell 2000 did something extraordinary. The index gained 3.5%.

On the surface, that may seem like an overbought signal. Afterall, who wants to buy something after such a powerful up-move?

Turns out that since 1984, a gain of 3.5% or more for the Russell 2000 has only occurred 107 times. That shakes out to roughly 2.5 times a year.

Reason number 3 to beef up your small-cap allocation comes down to the market-beating gains that follow a daily gain of 3.5% or more.

If you aren’t ready to scoop up small-caps just yet, this next study should change your mind.

Here’s what happens after the Russell 2000 gains at least 3.5% in a day:

  • 3-months later RUT climbs 4.3%
  • 12-months later the Russell surges 27.7%
  • Be bold with a 24-month hold and you’re staring at a historical average rally of 40.9%

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve just presented 3 reasons small-cap stocks are heading a lot higher.

Recent leadership, a falling rate regime, and a power thrust signal tell you all you need to know.

Couple those data-driven reasons with the fact that 85% of all inflows in our data since the June CPI are in companies of $50B or less market-cap, and you’ve got the tailwind pointing due North for small-caps:

This means new leadership is here. Financials, Industrials, Discretionary, and REITs are the money-flow magnets.

And just this week we sent out a MAP PRO update highlighting 3 top-ranking stocks in each of these sectors to lean into as this rotation keeps gaining steam.

Don’t listen to the fear-driven media. You’ll miss what’s actually happening: a renaissance in prior unloved areas.

If you’re not excited about tomorrow’s opportunity – it might be time for you to consult a map!

Let’s wrap up.

Here’s the bottom line: Major indices are under pressure. That’s giving way to new leadership under the surface.

A powerful rotation has taken Wall Street by storm…and it’s got further to go.

Not only are small-caps the best performing equity class the last 3 months, they’re also poised to surge once the Fed starts easing policy in September.

Couple this with a 3.5% rare ultra thrust last Tuesday, and you’re staring at a big fat upside signal in smaller unloved stocks.

Our data points to healthy institutional buying in Financials, REITs, Industrials, and select Discretionary names.

As I like to say, tomorrow’s leaders can be found today…just follow the money.
The small-cap bells are ringing loud and clear.

It’s true…sometimes Christmas comes in July.

If you’re a professional, RIA, or serious investor, now is the opportune time to up your research with unique money-flow insights. Get a MAP PRO subscription and see the actual stocks under heavy institutional accumulation.

Have a great week!
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MAPsignals’ volume and price analysis tools enable investors to identify unusually large trading activities around individual stocks and ETFs. This allows traders and investors to move beyond sentiment with a more precise, predictive, and measured data analysis tool that MAPs the signals being delivered by the market’s biggest players.MAPsignals capabilities include: Read more »

Election season is finally here.
The mudslinging and policy curve balls are already ramping up!
With all the noise (and ammo) swirling around, let’s run through our top 2 sectors to own this election season.

We showed you why it’s a mistake to sell stocks ahead of elections. You should aggressively buy into the typical pre-election drawdown we normally see in September and October of election years.

Today we’re digging deeper. We’ll show you history’s two best election cycle sector winners. Not only that, both areas have great fundamentals and are big money favorites right now.

In typical fashion, we’ll offer 3 evidence-rich reasons to overweight our 2 top sector picks heading into November.

Let’s start by analyzing election cycle sector performance.

With 2024 more than half over, focusing solely on election year performance has limited value.
Instead, we should focus on a two-year span – the presidential election year and the first year of the new presidential term.

When you slice up average historical returns by sector, 2 areas jump out.

Financials lead the pack, averaging 11.7% and 23% total returns in election years and the first year of new presidential terms, respectively. That works out to an election cycle average of 17.3%!

Tech also does great, averaging 7.9% and 23.6% total returns in election years and the first year of the presidential cycle, respectively. That works out to an impressive election cycle average of 15.8%.

That’s upside worth catching. Remember, the S&P 500’s average annual total return since 1926 is only 12.2%.

And in the first year of the presidential cycle, the S&P only averages 10% returns including dividends, making financials’ and tech’s 23% post-election year average returns even more compelling:

Strong election cycle performance isn’t the only reason to like financials and big tech right now.
Both boast strong fundamentals with double-digit consensus earnings growth forecast over the coming 12 months (table).

The PE to growth ratio divides a sector’s consensus EPS growth rate into its 12-month forward price/earnings (PE) ratio.

PEG ratios are more useful than PE ratios alone because they adjust a sector’s valuation for its profit growth.

The PEG ratio allows sharp investors to tease out signal from noise when analyzing sector data.

For example, a high PE ratio may be fine if there’s strong earnings growth to support it. The Mag 7 are great examples of this. Their PE ratios are high, but their PEG ratios aren’t because they adjust for tech’s monster EPS growth.

The S&P 500’s PE to growth (PEG) ratio is 1.7 (table). Ratios under 1.5 are very compelling while readings over 2.5 suggest a sector is richly valued relative to its growth, offering limited tactical upside.

The PEG ratios of the financials, technology and communications services (home to Meta, Google & Netflix) sectors are only 1.3, 1.5 and 1.1, respectively (table).

They’re the lowest in the S&P because all 3 sectors’ PEG ratios are depressed by strong profit growth.

Now that we’ve covered the seasonal and valuation metrics, making Financials and Technology our top picks, let’s make sure these jive with recent action.

Earnings, valuations and historical tendencies are important to understand. Couple those with recent institutional sponsorship and you’ve got a powerful recipe for upside.

Financials and big tech are in pole position YTD partly due to healthy inflows. Note how Technology, Communications Services, and Financials are the top performing sectors in the S&P 500 YTD (chart) with 33.4%, 25.9%, & 15.5% gains respectively:

When you compare those to MAPsignals’ sector rankings, you see a similar flavor with Financials and Tech on top:

Let’s dig a little deeper into the latest action in both sectors.

Geopolitical worries have sparked heavy profit taking in big tech recently. Chip stocks have been hit hardest.

Semiconductors are the new oil. Chips power AI. The global chip supply chain runs through the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company ($TSM).

$TSM makes all the leading edge 3 nanometer chips for Nvidia, Apple, AMD, Qualcomm and many others.

Both parties’ election rhetoric potentially threatens access to Taiwan’s chips, albeit in different ways.

Neither Biden’s newly proposed chip export controls nor Trump’s bluster about making Taiwan pay for US protection is likely to be as bad as feared.

This is your chance to buy the world’s best companies on sale. The big money sure will!

Turning to financials, it’s the best performing sector YTD outside of tech. The short-term rotation out of tech is only adding fuel to the fire. Stay overweight.

Let’s wrap up.

Here’s the Bottom Line: The market rally is finally broadening out as disinflation pushes interest rates ever lower in anticipation of a September Fed rate cut.

Meanwhile, the economy continues to hold up well, defying the many skeptics.

This goldilocks scenario is driving a rotation into cyclicals. Financials are leading the charge as tech sees overdue profit taking after its monster run.

Stay overweight financials and look to buy the dip in big tech.

Neither Biden’s new chip export restrictions nor Trump’s Taiwan bluster is likely to be as bad as feared.

Election cycle seasonality, superior fundamentals and big money buying mean this barbell sector strategy should continue to work over the next 12 months.

So, tune out the election noise and buy into the pre-vote volatility, you’ll be glad you did!
There are plenty of new leaders popping up in our data the past week.

If you want to find specific large-, mid-, and small-cap financials and tech names ramping with continual institutional support, get started with a MAPsignals PRO subscription.

It’ll get you access to our portal that updates every morning, showcasing the exact tickers being bought and their scores.

Our prized Top 20 list is full of cyclical market beaters. This is the report that found every outlier stock in our research.

There are plenty of quality tech and financial names to get long as election volatility ramps up.

Use a MAP to find them!

Invest well,

Alec Young
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