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Bought PLTR $5 Calls
1/17/2025 Exp, Opening

Nathan Worden's avatar
This trade says you bought the call, and "bullish," but on your portfolio it says "short"...

Are you bullish or bearish Palantir?
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delos's avatar
@nathanworden lemme check on this
Nathan Worden's avatar
@diggity thanks Delos!
delos's avatar
@nathanworden fixed. it's a long option
Nathan Worden's avatar
@diggity wohoo thanks!
Eric Pelnik's avatar
@nathanworden I'm bullish long term
Dissecting the Markets's avatar
Why are you buying in the money call options?
Nathan Worden's avatar
@dissectmarkets This is a great question, I am also curious 😃
Nathan Worden's avatar
@dissectmarkets So a $5 Call would be the right to buy 100 shares of PLTR for $5 per share by January 16th, 2025. If PLTR shares aren't $5 or higher on Jan 16th, 2025, this option will expire worthless.

Since the share price is currently $7.84, if you assume PLTR DOESN'T fall 36%, then these options will be worth... something. But to make the full premium back, you'd need PLTR to go up at least 14.16% (to $8.95).

I guess that's a pretty safe bet... PLTR will probably go up by 14% at some point in the next 21 months.

^ Is that essentially the bet you're making @eric or do you think about this differently?
Nathan Worden's avatar
@dissectmarkets PLTR's next earnings call is May 8th... and with how the rest of tech has been doing, maybe this is an earnings play?
Eric Pelnik's avatar
@nathanworden @dissectmarkets it's a safe play for earnings, as well of over the long term IMO. I think the general defense and government spending space will see more contracts, at higher contracts, and I also like what Palantir is doing with AI.
Nathan Worden's avatar
@eric not bad reasoning at all 🙌
Eric Pelnik's avatar
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