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Bought 2% more T
AT&T at $13.76

Andy Buchanan's avatar
Is this a dividend reinvestment?
Dividend Dollars's avatar
@andybuchanan nope, this is a buy
Dividend Dollars's avatar
@andybuchanan I’ll be honest with you, it’s not a great thesis as I’m losing faith here 😂 I’m really just taking advantage of DCAs so that I can get out at a lower break even point if it ever recovers. Having said that, they claim to have front loaded capex in Q1, so I’m hopeful that Q2 earnings show better results. And at these levels I expect to see some major share buybacks as it’s more cost effective at this point to buy shares than be aggressive with paying off debt. So that’s another item that could push the price back higher.
Andy Buchanan's avatar
@dividenddollars Nothing wrong with DCAing, you're just sticking to your plan as you continue to evaluate.
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Andy Buchanan's avatar
@dividenddollars Looking at the five year chart— are all of these manual buys, or do you algorithmically buy? (I know Coinbase has a feature like that... not sure if other brokerages for stocks do too...)
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Dividend Dollars's avatar
@andybuchanan I regret not getting out in Q1 of this year at $19. But oh well. Live and learn. I still see some positives here, not as many compared to the negatives, but enough to make me think that cutting here would be a mistake
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