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New position in CFLT
Confluent at $22.54

Frank Wang's avatar
Hi Peter, how big is your new position? I thought you gonna buy around $18.
Peter Offringa's avatar
@frankwang Hi - it's small, at 1-2% currently. I have a post coming explaining my thinking. I don't think we will see $18 again. I like the set up for CFLT at current price over the next 2 years. I think they will benefit from new tailwinds from AI (data clean-up and consolidation) and the Immerok acquisition. Plus, they were one of few software companies that maintained their FY2023 full year estimate from the preliminary in Q3.
Frank Wang's avatar
@stackinvesting thank you Peter! For some reason just saw your comment now. Great earning by CFLT.
Viga's avatar
@stackinvesting wonder if you added to the position after the earnings ?
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