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Bought 100% more ABNB $125 Puts
8/18/2023 Exp, Opening

Nathan Worden's avatar
Ooo! Also bearish Airbnb, I’m also curious on this one— is this a short term earnings play?
Nathan Worden's avatar
Looks like Airbnb hasn’t moved much this morning.
Rachel Wolitzky's avatar
@nathanworden lol no, individually it would be bearish but I liked the call so this is in conjunction with writing the $135 put
Nathan Worden's avatar
@drrachelstocks oh got it! It’s part of a multi leg option.
Rachel Wolitzky's avatar
@nathanworden Yeah. It’s tough on here cause I don’t know if they come through together
Rachel Wolitzky's avatar
@drrachelstocks or if I roll something it might be hard to see that too?
Rachel Wolitzky's avatar
@nathanworden also have ABNB 135/150 Oct call debit spread, which is bullish
Nathan Worden's avatar
@drrachelstocks so writing a $135 put and buying a $125 put together limits the downside, correct?
Rachel Wolitzky's avatar
@nathanworden yes vs selling the $135 naked. probably unnecessary but makes me feel better psychologically. also may close the $135s today depending on price action since already have nice profit
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