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Tom Basso
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I just got back from being out all day with Brenda, playing golf, & the hedge came off, a whipsaw. Updated the chart at Everyone should remember that I offer my hedge page as one example of a way of attacking risk. I'm not offering it as a hedge alert service. Every trader needs to set up his/her own indicators & put in the stop orders. I have stops sitting there all day, so I don't have to be in the office all day. I like enjoying the ride, not sitting there watching a screen all day. ETR! LLC
Hedging | Website
  Hedging Stock Portfolios I’ve received so many requests on Twitter and Facebook for the details on how I hedged my stock portfolios, that we made this the first page of the website. – Why do you hedge? I hedged to drastically reduce the risk of loss to my portfolios from a potential 50% or […]

Checking my overnight trades, I see that DIRECTION IS NOW DOWN, HEDGE ON. Sector Timing down to 17 of 30 sectors long and that exposure is hedged. Still short NQ futures which has been very profitable. For me & my portfolio, I now go to risk off, protection mode. We'll see how far this down move goes as it plays out. No predictions. Just ridin' the trend and enjoying the ride.

Stop sell to put on the hedge keeps climbing and prices keep slipping. Getting closer, but not there yet. DIRECTION UP, NO HEDGE. Time to be on guard, keep moving your stops up and be prepared to play defense, if you need to while enjoying the ride.

What does this even mean?: "Stop sell to put on the hedge keeps climbing and prices keep slipping."
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You might remember from the best-selling book “Automated Stock Trading Systems” how my good friend & elite trader, Laurens Bensdorp, advocates trading strategies that are built around your preferred lifestyle, your experience, temperament, financial goals, & your personal risk tolerance.

To me, this is a ‘no-brainer’. I don’t understand how anyone could approach trading on a regular basis & commit themselves to joining the ranks of the world’s most successful investors without evaluating themselves first. I would never trade like you do, and you cannot trade like I do.

And yet, I see Twitter ‘gurus’ selling courses and strategies every day that ignore this vital part to a successful trading strategy. Consequently, the traders who follow their advice fail. They just can't execute a strategy that doesn't fit them and their situation. Those are painful losses that could be avoided.

I’d like to share with you more about how to build a successful, high-performing trading strategy in person. We'll be covering evaluating yourself and your situation as a vital topic on Day 1.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join Laurens & me in Las Vegas on October 27th and 28th, 2023. We will be hosting a two-day seminar at the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel on the Strip.

The invitation is only open to 15 people, but since I posted earlier in the week, we’ve had a total of 11 people commit. There are now 4 places remaining, so click on the link below to learn how to join the ranks of traders who have mastered a complete, customized approach to success.

The highly-rated Four Seasons in Las Vegas is one of the few hotels that doesn’t have a casino allowing a quiet, elegant atmosphere, & they treated us well last time we were there. The city and state always have an energetic vibe. We’ll be right on the Strip with all the beautiful nightscapes. We're looking forward to this seminar.

Enjoy the ride, and I hope to see you in Vegas!
#btc#eth LLC
Seminars | Website
  Blueprint for Trading Success In Just Two Days You’ll Learn the Keys to Improved Trading Success from Two of the World’s Most Successful Traders Hosted by Tom Basso & Laurens BensdorpWhen: Sometime in the spring of 2024 Where: Probably in the US somewhere Spend two days with Tom Basso and Laurens Bensdorp at a […]

DIRECTION STILL UP on stocks, NO HEDGE, but the prices keep coming down and my stops keep moving up and sooner or later they will meet. Down to 27 of 30 sectors long in ETF Timing, ST NQ future trading now short & shorts in currencies, debt and metals performing well. Keep moving the stops and ETR!

We now have details on the next seminar: Blueprint for Trading Success with me and Laurens Bensdorp from The Trading Mastery School. We have locked in the luxurious Four Seasons, on the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada, for October 27th and 28th, 2023.
This will be two packed days of information, exercises, discussions, and interactions with Laurens me and the rest of the traders attending the event. Sessions will run from 8:30 am to 5 pm with two breaks and a lunch on us. This is the closest thing to mentoring that I do each year if Laurens and I can find a date on both our calendars to pull it off.
Dinner for you and one guest will be included at an outstanding restaurant, Michael Mina’s overlooking the gorgeous Bellagio Lobby Garden on Friday night where you’ll be able to talk to me and Laurens about whatever interests you on trading or personal topics.
We limited the seminar to only 15 seats to make it a very personal interaction. As of now 6 spots have been taken, leaving 9 available. Las Vegas is always a high energy destination with convenient flights from all over the world. Laurens and I are really looking forward to this one! Enjoy the ride and see you in Vegas!

Standpoint's mutual fund, BLNDX, knocks down another milestone at 700+ million dollars under management. Well done everyone! Should make the board meeting tomorrow more fun for me to manage. For disclosures and more info: [[
post mediapost mediapost mediapost media

Standpoint Funds uses an all-weather approach? Meaning:
• multi-asset
• multi-strategy diversification
• multi-geography
• rebalancing
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With the weakness today, indicators and strategies starting to shift downward. Now short grains, currencies, debt, NQ futures (short term), and metals. Stock market still showing UP DIRECTION and HEDGES OFF, but damage is being done. We'll keep an eye on it. Still long 29 of 30 sectors in the ETF timing, so one down day is not a bear market, yet. ETR!

Thanks Tom! How would you go about shorting grains? I was doing a search for grain ETFs and didn’t find anything.
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