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You are never alone because there must be someone in the world looking for you
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FIL Singapore Summit
That year, you were 25 years old. You got up at 6 o'clock every day and squeezed the subway to work. You were hesitating whether to add a hot dog to your lunch. Five years later, at 10 o'clock every day, you swayed to lift the sheets and woke up at the Peninsula Hotel. Others think you have a successful career, but in fact you just made some choices, sold the house and bought $FIL coins
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Currently, the price decided to break the support and made a sharp dump. In fact, we are back inside the ranging market$BTC could probably test 18k zones this time again.
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My charts telling me it's not a matter of if, but when
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Why did the market suddenly drop so much today and lose a fucking fortune $NVDA
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Sounds like you are over leveraged, $NVDA is up about 10% for the week even after todays 4% decline.
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Is this a positive sign?
The link between Nasdaq and Bitcoin is growing.If the price continuous to make higher highs, this could add a positive sentiment to Crypto
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Protecting the CPI and abandoning the economy is the reason why I am bearish on US stocks in the short term, but many of the personal assets of US citizens are invested in US stocks, so the decline will not continue to plummet, but fluctuate. And during times of inflation, interest rates spike, and spikes in interest rates are especially unfriendly to growth stocks, which is why the Nasdaq, which represents growth style, has fallen more than other broad-market indexes. U.S. stocks: Bearish in the short and medium term, it may be a downward trend of shocks, so the opportunity for U.S. stocks is in the short-term.

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