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The Expat Investor | Luka 🦉
$19.2M follower assets
A Dividend Investor +25k TikTok followers +1.1k and growing on YouTube 🐌 The data on my CS portfolio is broken ⛔ Don't trust it
16 following1,933 followers
WestRock 📦$0.3025/share (+10% increase)
During mid-2020, $WRK had a dividend cut. That was, of course, very bad news for me and any other dividend investor. Still, I was positive about the business outlook, and I decided to keep the company in my portfolio. Now, by the end of 2023, the company has already had four dividend raises, passing from $0.2/share to $0.3025/share in a span of 3 years. That's a >50% increase.
Yield 3.41%
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A small revolution in my bond portfolio.
I am getting rid of junk rating bonds and getting on board AA-AAA rating one with Yield >5.5% and a tremendous capital gain opportunity in the next 2-3 years.
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