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Snippet Finance
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Snippet Finance is a curation of the most interesting snippets on stocks, investing and finance delivered in a short easy to digest form. To inform and inspire.
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Technology is Cyclical - Venture Investments Edition
  • Using a machine learning model Sparkline Capital were able to cluster firms in similar technologies and then look at how venture investment in these tech clusters evolved over time.
  • This leads to the following chart of cycles.
  • In the dot-com bubble, venture capital firms threw money at internet companies. Next, Blackberry and iPhone ushered in the mobile age. Then, Facebook’s success sparked a wave of investment into social networks. Artificial intelligence grew steadily over the past decade, while blockchain burst on the scene a few years ago. Climate tech investment faded after an initial burst but is now seeing a resurgence.
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Sparkline Capital
Liquid Venture Capital
We replicate the returns of venture capital with public equities and discuss how liquid assets can be used by innovation investors.

This is pretty dope, will share this on Twitter later this week, thanks Snip!
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CRO Industry
  • Outsourcing in the biotech and pharma industry continues unabated, projected to reach almost 50% penetration next year.
  • This is boosting contract research organisations (CRO) like $IQV $LH
  • Interestingly consolidation has been a big feature of the industry, and this expert call (professional investors can sign up for free two weeks to access) from Stream suggests more is to come.
  • Source.
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A really interesting insight about biotech and pharma. I guess CROs are designed to reduce costs for companies developing new medicines and drugs in niche markets this appears to be the commercial way forward for them and will definitely reduce the need for in-house trials or research.

Thanks for sharing Snippet
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Open Access Research
  • Strikes me as a very important move by the US towards “open access” academic research.
  • By 2026 all US federal agency funded research must be free to read immediately on publication.
  • This has been talked about for a very long time.
  • In a recent transcript from Stream by Alpha Sense (institutional investors can sign up with a work email for two free weeks here), a former Elsevier Director, argued the effect on $RELX business will be a “small negative” as they will find ways to charge for ancillary parts of research (reviews, data etc). The hit to smaller publishers will be worse.
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Energy Sector
  • The Energy sector continues to see upgrades and as a result is the cheapest it has been vs. the market.
  • It is worth remembering that the energy sector was nearly 25% of the US market in 1980 and 15% in 2008. Today it is just under 5%.
  • $XLE
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UK Top 10 most shorted stocks
  • Always interesting to check in to see what the top most shorted stocks are in the UK.
  • Six of the top ten are directly or indirectly exposed to UK consumer.
  • NB – Regulation requires any funds short more than 0.5% outstanding to disclose daily, and this handy site makes the raw FCA data more presentable.
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Notification and disclosure of net short positions
The EU Short Selling Regulation (SSR) introduced a private and public notification regime for investors who hold net short positions in certain financial instruments. We explain notifications and disclosures below.

Equity Risk Premium
  • Despite the fall in equities this year, the ERP has hardly budged.
  • The current level suggests equities aren’t particularly attractive, especially in the US.

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I concur. Investors reckon equities are as risky as they have been, on average, for the past decade
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Global Remittance Costs
  • One big positive of the Fintech boom and financials competition has been this chart.
  • The cost of sending money cross-border has fallen to 5% (still far too high).
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Interesting data here, I would have assumed it to be lower than 5%, and I agree, that is still far too high.
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Index inclusion ain’t what it used to be
  • According to Morningstar data, inclusion into an index no longer attracts the usual rise (on announcement) and then fall in stock price.
  • Indeed, the up-and-down trajectory that was once the fingerprint of the index inclusion effect now resembles a flat line that runs from announcement date through the weeks following inclusion in the S&P 500.
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Morningstar, Inc.
The Index Inclusion Effect Isn't Cause for Concern
The once-powerful benchmark bump has dissipated over time.

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