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Simple Investing
Buy-side portfolio manager by day and I run Outperforming the Market by night. Weekly deep dives and The Barbell Portfolio in Outperforming the Market (2-week free trial available in link below)
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$NVDA less expensive now than after its earnings report
New to Commonstock so hello everyone. @simpleinvest01 on Twitter and posted this on there earlier.

Nvidia $NVDA is actually less expensive now after its earnings report.

Even after the 25% pop after its print.

Here's why:

  • 18% EPS beat in April quarter
  • 90% implied EPS beat in July quarter
  • Sell-side analyst EPS gone up +80%
  • FY24 P/E down from 73x to 51x
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I get what your saying, but at the same time much higher expectation are now baked in the price so it's more of a perspective.
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