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Shane Mac
$35.3M follower assets
Co-Founder XMTP. Founder & General Partner at Logos Labs. Co-Founder Squared Away.
14 following659 followers
I made a pretty big move on $OPEN and then went even more all in today at $20.

To me, the management team is stellar, Adam Bain joining the board is a huge plus for me long term, and the market feels like it hasn’t even begun yet to enable this new form of buying and selling homes.

The friction reduced will drive more adoption and growth, the market could pull this stock to be massive in the next few years.

Really excited about this one.

Open makes money by intermediating the sale by giving faster liquidity to the seller than during a normal sale and then holding until a buyer can close right? I wonder how they’ll fair in a hot market like the current one vs a more normal market. It follows that they’d do better in a slower market bc sellers have a greater need for liquidity. Seems like a strong signal long term.
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