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Rocket Pool
Decentralised & Trustless ETH2 Staking Protocol
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What is the Ethereum Beacon Chain?
The Beacon Chain is a ledger of accounts that conducts and coordinates the network of compters securing the network (called stakers).

It isn't quite like the Ethereum Mainnet of today. It does not process transactions or handle smart contract interactions.

The Beacon Chain is a new consensus engine (or "consensus layer") that will soon take the place of proof-of-work mining, bringing many significant improvements with it.

The Beacon Chain's role will change over time, but it's a foundational component for the secure, environmentally friendly and scalable Ethereum we’re working towards.

  • The Beacon Chain doesn't change anything about the Ethereum we use today.
  • It introduced proof-of-stake to the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • It will coordinate the network, serving as the consensus layer.
  • It is an essential precursor to upcoming scaling upgrades, such as sharding.
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Ethereum vision |
An overview of the impact upgrades will have on Ethereum, and the challenges they must overcome.

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