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My latest stock idea is a proven performer coming off a lousy 2022 for the stock (-30% YoY) that offers something for both value and dividend investors.

Williams-Sonoma (NYSE: WSM) is a large kitchenware and home furnishings retailer that sells into the $750B global home market under its house of brands, including its namesake brand and a stable of successful extensions such as Pottery Barn, West Elm, Mark and Graham, Rejuvenation and its steady registry business.

Featured in my recently published fourth annual Top 10 Dividend Stocks report - 2023 edition -

WSM has grown its business on the back of a very successful brand extension strategy that keeps WSM relevant throughout a consumer's lifecycle (from renting their first apartment and buying their first home to having kids).

While WSM is likely to be affected by macro economic headwinds in the short term, it is well positioned for long-term growth.

Joey Hirendernath's avatar
Would be great to have your thoughts on Wayfair :)
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