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Ob2's avatar
LL Flooring Holdings, Inc.’s ($LL)Wide Deal Spread:
LL Flooring Holdings, Inc.’s ($LL)Wide Deal Spread:

LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. (LL 0.00%↑) has received several bid offerings to be acquired by potential strategic buyers. The initial deal announcement was made earlier this year by the former CEO, Thomas Sullivan, through F9 Investments. Then, a consortium led by Howard Jonas, CEO of IDT Corporation (a bit more on him if interested) came out in support of F9 Investment's $5.76 bid. As you know with any entrenched board and management, inept foot dragging brought us to an unsatisfactory Q3 deteriorating business result leading F9 to subsequently rescind their offer.
LL Flooring Holdings, Inc.’s (LL) Wide Deal Spread:
A Tale of Legacy Issues, Questionable Management, and Uncertain Future

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