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Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB
I’m not as interested in the company itself, But in the contagion within the private equity side of things. SVB has reportedly sold more than 21 Billion worth of securities as it tries to drum um liquidity for withdrawals. I heard they have over 50% of Startup loans on their balance sheet? Not sure how accurate that is. Seeing as how they have startup deposits, loans, and equity in startups does this not sound like it could be an issue? I myself have some private holdings, the past year I have been in tune with “cash burn”. SVB just stated that the issue they have is with deposits in the bank. Cash burn is out of control, and now companies are worried and pulling money from the bank. The other wrinkle is alot of the holdings they have haven’t been written down to the proper valuation yet….. So we have A) less deposits B) more withdrawals from solvent companies C) investments that are illiquid not being wrote down properly. Does anyone have any knowledge on how this would settle out in a bankruptcy filing?? If (hypothetically) SVB files for chapter 11, Can private companies go after them for deposits in the bank? Even though SVB is a shareholder? Also at what valuation does SVB’s holdings value at? Does a third party bank in that case need to open the private companies books and come to a conclusion? Hope it doesn’t happen but man it could get ugly

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