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Do you play games?
@stonkmetal 's post inspired me to create this poll. From their asset allocation. they have 45% of their assets allocated in "Virtual items". What are those virtual items you ask? You're probably thinking they're NFTs. Well, they're CS:GO items!

For those who don't know, CS:GO is a competitive online shooter video game where you can own virtual skins of knives, guns, etc. The CS:GO market is huge with millions of items worth less than a dime to items worth upwards of $1k.

That whole market is fascinating to me and made me want to ask the Commonstock community if they play/played video games. I've noticed that there's a significant overlap between people that play video games and people that talk about investing on sites like Reddit, Twitter, Commonstock, etc. The stock market could be seen as a video game to some!

Answer in the poll below!

Do you or have you had a passion for Video Games?

19 VotesPoll ended on: 5/14/2022

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