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StockOpine Deep Dives
We research and write about companies that pass our initial screening criteria at StockOpine and can be a good fit to our portfolio. We look for leaders and wide moat businesses. Valuation always matter. 📈
Here is a summary of the write-ups we released in the last 3 months.
A ‘serial acquirer’ in the distribution business with $340B addressable market.
The leading distributor of the HVAC industry.
The leading manufacturer of outdoor environment equipment including turf and landscape maintenance, snow and ice management, underground utility construction.
HVAC/R manufacturer, positioned to capitalize on the electrification and renewable energy trends.
Leading manufacturer of spirits & beer owning brands such as Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Guinness and more.
Global financial data and analytics company.
Not a financial advice.
FactSet - Unleashing the Power of Data
FactSet operates under a subscription-based model by providing financial data, analytics and workflow solutions for the global investment community.

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