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Top investors this month
Hello World
The market gave us all a quick "look who is in control" reminder this morning. To me, I do not care for these types of moves in my LT account. I have added more shares of Anaplan today, and will continue to add on weakness.

For every winner there is a loser, for ever loser there is a winner. I firmly believe the market will parse out itself investors from traders over time, people who lose $5k, $10k, $20k on a trade will become investors quicker than you can snap your finger. I received 25 texts, from 8 different people this morning when the market whipsawed back and forth, it was a nice reminder that people get scared quick. I did added a small QQQ put position in my trading account, June $320s. Not trying to time anything, but a little downside protection never hurt. Been discussing it recently the past few weeks with numerous people, and will layer in slowly the higher we go but certainly will cut losses per my discipline.

I think the more I am connected to the internet (by this I mean social media and listening to other people) I am more convinced that the market is not really in a bubble, its more the social media is living in a bubble. Let us pop that bubble, continue our research, and remember we are buying businesses at the end of the day. I dont care what the indexes do on a day to day basis for this account. I get this feeling people are forgetting what investing is suppose to be. Yes, I have my fun account, but that is private for my website. I want the public to understand long-term investing and compounding your wealth overtime, especially people will small accounts because TRUST ME I have been there, thinking I could "hit it big" with OTM call options 6 years ago. Not it.

With the influx of new investors in the market in 2020, I am seeing a disconnect between understanding businesses and throwing money at the wall with complacency. People trading derivatives, that cant even tell me the Delta of the contract they just bought let alone tell me the P/E ratio of the business. There seems to be no worry until there is, like this morning and my phone blowing up with texts. Keep your eyes open, continue your research, and never ever be complacent in this market.

Fiducia B

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