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The past few weeks I have researched strategies and investment approaches to SPACs. Unfortunately, I didn't identify a TON of easy-to-use resources; however, I very much enjoy this intro. (All credit to SPACDaddy)

SPACs can appear very intimidating for many investors - complicated timelines, tickers that change, and a whole new set of jargon "above/below NAV." However, they can prove a very rewarding, exciting investment. SPAC investing is "as close" to late stage venture capital investing as a retail investor can enjoy.

Here are a few simple tricks/techniques to understanding SPACs for the beginner/intermediate investor. Hope you find them helpful:

  1. Understand the SPAC timeline. Specifically, get a sense of the transition from "Units" to "commons and warrants" to "Definitive agreement/merger." The terminology matters - the intro link I provided above is a great primer.
  2. Read through some SEC materials on a SPAC. This is helpful to understand how and why warrants are redeemed. Take the time to walk through a prospectus and investor deck.
  3. Study the price movement of stock tickers that began as SPACs. Great examples are $SPCE and $SKLZ. Understand why and when these tickers "pop".
  4. Go deep...on a few current SPAC tickers that are PRE-DEFINITIVE AGREEMENT. Understand why they are trading at the price they are. Is the industry they are targeting appealing? Does the leadership team have a lot of credibility?
  5. Patience and strategy. Before you start investing, decide if you will target a specific sector or stage of SPAC. Will you invest in only warrants? Only units? What industries appeal to you? Perhaps you will build a portfolio of SPACs and buy/sell the tickers as they announce merger candidates. Some traders only buy/sell warrants and (can) generate very impressive returns.
  6. Again, patience. SPACs take time. This is a great Tweet from Chamath today about SPAC performance. You might need to hold a ticker that has very little price movement for 18 months, then will very quickly 2x. Be prepared for the wait.
  7. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. In my opinion, many companies that should not be in the public markets are going public via SPACs. Be very careful in the companies you invest in; research and proper DD is very important.
  8. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to know more or have questions about SPACs!

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