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Is the Bull Market Intact? How Investors Can Cope with Rising Rates: Jarvis® Update August 11, 2023
Markets were positively buoyant in the first 7 months of the year, with the S&P 500 gaining roughly 17% on the way to August 1. But in the last couple weeks we have seen a slight correction across the market.

With that in mind, along with the inflation data, as well as the rising interest rate environment, we are starting to hear concerns from investors that perhaps the bull market could be over before it started.

In this week's Jarvis® Update, CEO Noland Langford and Director of Research, Brian Dress, give our answer to the question: "is the bull market intact?" Spoiler alert: we answer in the affirmative and realize that corrections of 5-10% are normal in the context of any bull market. A few shaky days in the markets are not enough to shake our conviction in the positive direction we have seen in a few key areas in the market.

Noland covers his 3 favorite segments of the market: (1) Digital Transformation, (2) Artificial Intelligence, and (3) Digital Advertising.

Finally, Noland covers some thoughts he has for investors wondering how to deal with rising interest rates, especially as regards decisions in real estate.

Topic 1: The State of Our Bull Market Call
Topic 2: How Investors Should Respond to Rising Interest Rates

With that in mind, if you are still sitting on cash in the bank, now is the time to get invested, as we expect a strong market in the second half of 2023. Reach out and we can set up a time to talk in more detail!

Is the Bull Market Intact? How Investors Can Cope with Rising Rates: Jarvis® Update August 11, 2023
0:00 Intro2:22 Market Recap4:48 Topic 1: State of our Bull Market Call6:28 Our 3 Key Market Themes9:20 Topic 2: What to Do About Rising Rates11:34 Interest R...

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