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Cloudflare $NET is number 1. No questions asked.
Cloudflare just posted about how they managed to mitigate a 26M requests per second DDoS attack, the largest HTTPS DDoS attack on record. What's even more impressive is that this wasn't even some high paying client, actually a user with Cloudflare's Free Plan. The attack was originated mostly from cloud service providers, so those were heavy machines attacking the target, no weak IoT hijacked devices either.

This is just pure insanity and shows just how valuable Cloudflare is for just about any internet entity.

Big bull and long $NET!

The Cloudflare Blog
Cloudflare mitigates 26 million request per second DDoS attack
Last week, Cloudflare automatically detected and mitigated a 26 million request per second DDoS attack — the largest HTTPS DDoS attack on record.

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