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I bought SP500 for an year.
I bought the SP500 index fund for a year, and here is the result. Yes, an entire year.

šŸ¤ Trades:
Average price: $385.79
# of share: 11.86764
Cost basis: 4,578.42
This is how trades look:
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šŸ˜Ž Performance
SP500 DCA: -7.98%
SP500: -13.55%

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Performance (during market upturn):
SP500 DCA: 2.09%
SP500: 5.53%
During a market upturn, DCA is a bad idea. Which was already known.

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Performance (during the market downturn):
SP500 DCA: -9.76%
SP500: 13.55%
During a market downturn, DCA performs better. Which was already known.

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šŸ“š Learnings from the experiment:
Nothing that wasn't already known, but it encouraged saving ($5-$10) that would have been spent, is being saved and being invested.

šŸ”® Future
Will continue to invest as much as I can and as regularly as I can.
I bought stock everyday for a year | #16
My experiment with averaging S&P 500 for a year

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