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$ISRG thoughts Q3 update
Don't like to focus on ST results for LT businesses but the earnings call had a couple of notes.

Procedures for Q3 Slowed due to delta variant, but not a LT issue at all.

Trade-ins will decrease over time as they have already seen a lot of this cycle. In addition, they expect more leased units as hospitals find a way to finance the systems differently.
"As the installed base of older generation product declines, the number of trade-ins will decline over time."

They also saw pressure on per-procedure revenue due to use of longer use instruments (as expected)

Ion systems placements were strong with additional clinical data verifying the platform.

More data continues to come out proving out the Robotic surgery use case. As predicted, outcomes for robotics will only get better over time while open/Lap won't improve as well.

No shade at the first analyst who asked questions, but asking about supply chain disruptions to a company whose value rests on revolutionizing the surgery industry is way into the weeds for no reason. Focus on the future not Q4.

Also the best part of the call was this quote when asked about competition from the recent approvals in Europe for Medtronic's Hugo.
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In a nutshell, it's time for competition to walk the walk instead of talking the talk.

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