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ASML earnings review
I published an article reviewing the company's earnings, will be dropping the link below the following section.

My take

ASML reported a spectacular quarter, very much in line with the last ones. Even though the slowdown in bookings was abrupt, it was mainly due to the environment and, until we get out of it, the company still has its short-term future ‘covered’ with 38bn in backlog. This should help ASML transition out of this down turn cycle in a much smoother way than other semi companies.

Furthermore, all metrics are coming above management’s own expectations and guidance for the year, which was already strong, has been reiterated. Not only this, but this rapid growth is accompanied by margin expansion, which gets to show not only high demand, but an efficient handling of it as well.

As of lithography machines, management talked about how, even if demand is slowing down due to multiple factors, the fact that they have companies ‘more than willing to absorb this demand change’ reveals how crucial of a technology this is and how necessary it is for other companies future plans.
ASML Q1 Earnings Review
Overall financial analysis ASML reported results on Wednesday before the market opened. The company generated over 6.74bn in revenue, growing at 91% its topline, which sounds impressive, and it is, but perspective is needed. (Keep in mind all numbers are in Euros.)

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