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Commonstock and Institutions agree on Sketchers $SKX
This morning the most bought stock on Commonstock was Sketchers. Currently it it dropped a couple of places to #5 most bought by net dollar value.

Sometimes it's easy to forget that this is real money— not just mentions, so it's a better indicator of what retail investors are actually doing with their money.
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What's super powerful is to cross-reference what retail investors are doing with institutions. MapSignals (@mapsignals) is a Commonstock user who tracks what stocks 'big money' is buying, and you can see that institutions have been buying Sketchers for the last six months:

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Sketchers is a $8.2B market cap stock and is in the Russell 1,000. @mapsignals just posted a memo about how there is currently a rotation going on into small cap.

@ericthom and @equisights have also written about Sketchers on Commonstock in the past.

$SKX is up +27% year to date:
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