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Building My Perfect Portfolio Tool
Fellow investors. Surely I am not the only one who has either found different brokers etc to have clunky or useless portfolio tracking tools? Rarely can you track performance, cash, fees, commissions etc on a consistent basis. Nor can you do a nice portfolio attribution analysis or have a good idea of your overall portfolio risk.

Additionally, having accounts in different places, I have always wanted a tool that can bring all of these together in one tool or series of dashboards. A proper portfolio aggregator.

I have built something like this for a series of fixed income portfolios at work, and am embarking on building something similar for my own personal investments.

My goals:
  • Aggregate my different investments (equities, ETFs, bonds, wine, cash);
  • Track performance and be able to slice and dice by basic fields;
  • Basic risk measures;
  • Cash management tool;
  • Track all fees, commisions.

Any must-haves you would have in such a system? How do your monitor your portfolios?

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