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Monthly purchasing of Ether
I decided to allocate a small percent of my monthly income towards $ETH.X as a monthly purchase each month on the same date. It is in a way a small bet and the reason is I believe $ETH.X could be a very important asset 10 years from now when the Metaverse takes shape and becomes more mainstream. At the same time because you can't do any fundamental analysis, because it is not a company/stock you can't really give it a price tag and say it is undervalued here or overvalued here, that is why the best thing to do in my view is to monthly add to it and ride the down and up waves and just look at it in 10 years and see what has been done.

Yes, it's a risky "bet" in a way but it is with a small % of my monthly income and it won't mean any significant loss for me even if it turns out to be a wrong investment.

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