Hi everyone, I thought it might be useful to share where I get my stock ideas, especially for anyone building or looking to add to a portfolio. (Note: I am not trying to sell anything, but just thought this might be useful to some).
- The Motley Fool - My family and I are long-time members of the Motley Fool Stock Advisor ($199/year) and the Motley Fool Rule Breakers ($299/year). Both services offer 2 monthly recommendations, plus lists of stocks that the Motley Fool believes are "best buys now," along with countless articles. Stock Advisor is great when first building a portfolio, and TMF's research is always great. Rule Breakers is great when looking for riskier, high-growth investments. The Motley Fool is where I first got started investing, and the knowledge I have taken from them is incredible. There are also tons of free articles on their website, and you can follow some of their top people (David Gardner, Brian Feroldi, Danny Vena, and more) on Twitter.
- 7investing - A newer site similar to the Motley Fool, 7investing offers 7 picks from a variety of different sectors and risk levels per month. The service costs $170 annually and continues to add great people and exciting features. Like the Motley Fool, 7investing conducts great research on their recommendations; however, individuals each recommend one pick per month, rather than the entire team, like at the Fool. If you use the link https://7investing.com/subscribe/aff/19/ when signing up, you can get $10 off your first month! Their people are also on Twitter, including Simon Erickson, Austin Lieberman, and more.
- Twitter - If you do not already follow investing accounts on Twitter, I could not recommend highly enough that you do so. Twitter has given me countless stock ideas and significantly improved my investing strategy, all for free. You can follow me on Twitter @ztinvesting, and feel free to message me or view the accounts that I follow to find some great people on Twitter.
- Here! - I know Commonstock is just getting off the ground, but I have already found some great ideas on this platform. Definitely be on the lookout for memos and trades from your favorite investors to get ideas for companies to research!
What resources am I missing? I know paying for a service is never ideal, but for anyone looking to build a portfolio, the reliability of some paid services is absolutely worth the cost. Thoughts? Feel free to reach out with any questions!