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Dividend Preview
Following my Dividend Review last week, here is my Dividend Preview for the next 12 months!
Below is some data from Track Your Dividends for the upcoming quarter & 12 months. Last quarter I did a preview of both accounts combined. This time around, I will take a look at each account individually and then compare the summary to last quarter's summary.
Taxable Brokerage
NTM Min: $17 (August, November, February, May)
NTM Max: $71 (December, June)
NTM Variance: 76.4%
NTM Total: $438
5 Year DGR: 6.75% (predicted by TYD)
Annual Contributions: $380 (assuming same contributions as previous year)
Price Appreciation: 3%
Maximum Dividend Yield: 10%
Anticipated Annual Dividend Income: $1,469
Roth IRA
NTM Min: $9 (October, January, April)
NTM Max: $30 (September, December, March, June)
NTM Variance: 68.6%
NTM Total: $191
5 Year DGR: 6.19% (predicted by TYD)
Annual Contributions: $1,180 (assuming same contributions as previous year)
Price Appreciation: 3%
Maximum Dividend Yield: 10%
Anticipated Annual Dividend Income: $1,033
Summary (Compared to Last Quarter)
Moving forward, I will compare each account quarterly. Since I only did a summary of both accounts last quarter, I will do a comparison for accountability's sake:
NTM Min: $28 (+7.7%) (May, August, November, February)
NTM Max: $101 (+3.1%) (December, June)
NTM Variance: 72.9% (-1%)
5 Year DGR: 6.59% (+0.08%)
Annual Contributions: $1,560 (combined contributions from above)
Price Appreciation: 3%
Maximum Dividend Yield: 10%
Projected 10 Yr Future Value: $62,977 (-16.9%) 😭
Projected 10 Yr Dividend Income: $2,564 (chart I have isn't interactive, so it is tough to tell, but looks to be within ~$100)
Interesting to see how recent market moves and slower contributions in the last few months affect future growth. This really shows how much of an effect compounding can have over the long run! Also, seeing the dividend growth rate increase, gives me confidence that any additional contributions will have an even larger opportunity to grow more income in the future.
Have you ever used Track Your Dividends? What tools do you use to track dividends and project growth?

seria_kirmin's avatar
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