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Lessons learned from a rebound day
It feels good to see some of the losses over the past week return to my portfolio. I own 60 stocks (I’d love feedback on if 60 stocks is excessive). Today this basket is up about +7% after being down -23% over the past two weeks. It’s the biggest single day move I’ve seen for my portfolio since I started investing 6 years ago.

Today’s movement is a reminder to me to stay invested for the long term so don’t miss out on days like this, and also not to react based on fear when everything’s is in the red. I didn’t sell anything over the past month.

I’m also curious if high volatility is going to only amplify as technology enables faster movements of money in markets. Curious if anyone has thoughts about that. Even just 6 years ago swings of +/-2% were the exception. Now they seem the norm.

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