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Technology is Cyclical - Venture Investments Edition
  • Using a machine learning model Sparkline Capital were able to cluster firms in similar technologies and then look at how venture investment in these tech clusters evolved over time.
  • This leads to the following chart of cycles.
  • In the dot-com bubble, venture capital firms threw money at internet companies. Next, Blackberry and iPhone ushered in the mobile age. Then, Facebook’s success sparked a wave of investment into social networks. Artificial intelligence grew steadily over the past decade, while blockchain burst on the scene a few years ago. Climate tech investment faded after an initial burst but is now seeing a resurgence.

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Sparkline Capital
Liquid Venture Capital
We replicate the returns of venture capital with public equities and discuss how liquid assets can be used by innovation investors.

Undefined's avatar
This is pretty dope, will share this on Twitter later this week, thanks Snip!
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