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When you are new and just starting out, it is almost inevitable your early work would be copying others, of whom you think are the best in that field.

Through your journey, you realize that you should not copy everything, but instead copy only what suits you best.

Seek out the best, learn from what they did well, and didn’t do well. Choose selectively what works for you, and avoid what does not.

It is a journey. Eventually, you will come to your own unique combination through time, and many ups and downs.

Strangely enough, if you do it well enough eventually, others could copy you, and that is the beauty, when it all circles back.


Joshua Simka's avatar
“Good artists copy, great artists steal" is often attributed to Picasso. Investing is as much art as science. We have to start by imitating and then we can innovate.
Eugene Ng's avatar
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