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I'm just kidding... but seriously.

There's tons of data out there showing that as human beings we tend to focus on negative situations far more than positive ones.

As investors that translates to losses hurting 37 times worse than gains make us happy.

As you can tell I am a scientist and that data is correct.

All joking aside, I'm all about transparency and sharing our losses when we have them. But if we're in this for the long run, we also need to celebrate the good days..especially during tough stretches.

In a recent podcast, David Gardner recently talked about how he looks at his portfolio way more when it's going up than he does when it is going down. When the market is in "corrections" David likes to spend more time reading, playing games, and doing things outside of investing.

I really like that behavioral hack because David has made his mind up that he is an investor and wants to own his companies for years... so what good does it do to dwell when the whole market is down?

Would love to hear any tricks you do on yourself to encourage good investing behavior.

Also... I've been buying tech-growth things with my bi-weekly contributions. See linked trades

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