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28th August Trading Recap
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Price broke out of a 1hr consolidation around 1pm.

There was some consolidation before the breakout which maybe I could have taken. But the key setup that I really should have taken, but didn't because of fear, was the consolidation after the breakout which I tracked.

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On open, price was at a possible 1hr H&S level and sold off to the bottom of the 1hr
consolidation. Note that it didn't break the low so we are still technically in an uptrend.

Price came back to the sell-off level with a correction-style movement and began to consolidate, indicating that bullish
momentum was weakening. We then sharply sold off from the 1hr resistance, the 5m consolidation, and broke the 5m
trend line with conviction I got in once the big bearish bar was broken.

There needed to be a lot of caution here though as the 1hr consolidation could provide support and the uptrend is still
intact (despite the new lower high).

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Price began to reject from the bottom of the 1hr Consolidation so I closed for a 1:1.

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