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Learned Something New $ZIM
$ZIM has been one of my favorite holdings during this volatility as it has great fundamentals and pays a massive dividend. In my research I came to find that Israeli based companies are subject to withholdings on the dividend payments by their government. This is different than what I am used to owning US equities that, can be subject to tax but the responsibility is upon the individual to pay the tax on a yearly basis. Furthermore, the tax for Israelis who own the stock is 40% but since I am a US citizen there is a tax agreement between our governments that only subjects me to a 25% withholding. Considering I pay taxes each year anyway I have to say I kind of like having it just withheld. It’s what most corporate employees are used to when it comes to their income (where your return comes from if you are so lucky).
As I always do, I DRIP my dividends and I must say, getting ~10 shares a quarter on this name is A-OK with me!

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