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What My Job Taught Me About Investing
On this week's show, @thesmattering and I talk about what our jobs taught us about investing.

What has your job taught you about investing?

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69. What My Job Taught Me About Investing by Investing Unscripted
Investing is hard, and a lot of people go into it without any formal training. And as a result, lots of mistakes get made, particularly when it comes to investing in stocks. But that doesn't mean most of us don't come with some skills that cross the divide between day job and weekend investing warrior. In this week's show, Jason and Jeff share some of their own work experiences, how they've helped them be better investors, and in some cases, maybe didn't help (such as being a public school administrator, like Jeff).  In the second part of the show, we take a look back at the August (despite Jeff's best efforts to insist July happened again) results of the 2023 Smattering Portfolio Contest! One take that Jeff and Jason both share: By and large, we would happily take the results of this contest in our own portfolios. It's been a good eight months for our stocks.  Check out our sponsor, Alex Morris at TSOH Investment Research: We would love feedback on the show. Share with us at:  Email: Twitter: @smatteringshow  Check out our YouTube channel for more content: Find the 2023 Smattering Portfolio here:

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