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Buy the Dip: Sold
My buy the dip candidate was $SCVL. Trading at pre-Pandemic prices, around $20, with ATH around $40 post-Covid, without much change in underlying fundamentals (other than the Covid induced decrease in revenue); I thought it’d be an easy 25%-50% gain. I’m not greedy, so I’ll take my 27% monthly return and redeploy the capital with lower hanging fruit.

Bought on July 13, sold on August 12 at a 27% gain. Plenty of stocks are up 20%-30% the past month, so it’s nothing special.

It was never intended to be a long-term holding or something I thought would double. A good portion of my portfolio is made up of shorter-term buys that will be sold when closer to fair value.

The more I read, the more I realize how Ben Graham I really am. We both don’t read company filings, only financial data. We buy lots of securities and sell at an acceptable gain of 20%-50%. Im not as rigid as he was because I’ve read as much about Buffet, Lynch, and Dreman as I have Graham; acquiring their tools as well. But it’s Graham’s principles I credit for rarely losing😉

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