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Information Overload - decluttering time!
Hi all! I hope you had a great (personally) summer! I took some time to hang with my family, meet new friends, and catch up with some really old friends.

Upon getting back to my emails, newsletters, and general flow of information, I feel that the first thing I’m doing is cutting down the email & substack subscriptions, followed YouTube channels and analyst reports…Cut the noise! Over the last 3 years my inbox, timelines and other feeds are impossible to go through and properly digest.

Repost/share to see how others feel! Pls comment if you have best practices on how to keep it simple (FYI, I’m talking about “flow of info” related to investing only! )
How many of you feel that you have information overload?
50%Yes - I need to cut back!
37%Yes, but I’m okay with it!
12%No, bring me more info!!!

8 VotesPoll ended on: 8/31/2022

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