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Filecoin as a slow-money crypto bet?
The world seems to be pretty crazy right now and I'm trying to make my "annual bet" on what could realistically increase 5x in the next 5 years.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe Filecoin is a good candidate? It seems particularly appealing to me because it's an enabling technology for "web 3.0" types of applications, but it could also be a straight-up substitute for AWS.

I would not have put as much weight on the second part of the value proposition, but the recent de-platforming of Parler as well as individuals on the BigTech platforms has caused me to evolve my thinking.

Have others been looking into this as well? I'm OK with high volatility. The thought experiment for me is whether at some point in the next 5 years if Filecoin will be 5-10x the price of what it is today? What would make that likely and what could cause this to be a bad bet?

[as an aside, here is what I mean by 'slow-money crypto.'

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