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Why I'm buying $RBLX
Today is the IPO of Roblox and it is an emotional event for me. I joined Commonstock more than three years ago. My son was six years old at the time and would come hang out in the office after school on some days and chat with @mcd and @eric. At some point I had to describe to a six year what I do and what the mission of Commonstock is. It boils down to making people better investors.

But how do you explain investing to a six year old? I started with explaining shares. You pay money to become part owner of a company and share in it's success. So you should pick companies that you think will be successful in the future. I asked him if he could be part owner of a company which one would he pick? He chose $RBLX. It was still a private company at the time so we couldn't invest but he was on the path to being an investor because he recognized the joy that the game brought him and his friends and wanted to share in the growth and success of the company.

You can never be too young nor too old to become an investor. Making sure investors have the right tools to separate signal from noise in the main reason I joined Commonstock.

So today I will be buying $RBLX in honor of my son's first stock pick and I will enjoy watching his evolution as an investor. I'd like to thank the Commonstock community for helping us on the path towards realizing our aspirations towards making people better investors.

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