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Deep in the Weeds of the Cannabis Industry
Hey everyone! Yb has been quiet for a while, but hey life happens and I’m super excited to share this piece that I’ve been cooking up for a while.

Pot stocks are at all-time lows and truly define “fallen out of favor” in this current market. In my view, now is the time to buy.

Before I could decide what companies to buy within the space, I started doing some research and decided to turn it into a whole ~6,100 word piece on the industry…and that’s just Part 1!

Take a peek below, but more importantly, stay tuned. Next Wednesday, I’ll drop Part 2 which will include my picks along with price targets and a lot more.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Deep in the Weeds of the Cannabis Industry
Part 1: Cannabis Investing Overview

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