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Here's the Personality Type I believe is Many of Us on Commonstock!
I am a Type Five (also known as an investigator) because I rely more on my head than emotions or instincts. Equally, I have a tendency to get rooted in my own mind, which can result in being detached from reality. This has led to many costly investment mistakes, including my ride with Peloton $PTON which I detailed in an earlier post as one of my worst investments.
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Knowledge is power to Type Fives: there is no end to the learning journey, though subject matters can range from constructive pursuits to eccentric quirks. These investigators find everything they need in their own minds; hence they are seldom bored. Taken to the extreme, however, knowledge accumulation can become a hinderance to true learning. A simple illustration is a Type Five who tries to learn dancing by observing others boogie or watching YouTube videos at home. Everything but hitting the dance floor themselves.

Click on the article below to find out if you are a Type Five. Subscribe to my FREE weekly blog, Consume Your Own Tech Investing. This is Part V of a series of post that I will be writing on Enneagram x Stock Picking. Below are the links to Parts I - IV:
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part V): Type Five Investors inside their Heads
Though intellect is important on the investing journey, it can also backfire. By Benjamin Tan

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